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Ask Nola (Q&A AI)

"Ask Nola" is Nola's question & answer function available in the mobile and web application, which allows you to ask Nola direct questions about your venue's data:

User: Have there been more than 50 people in the moshpit at any time in the last hour?

User: Which of my rides had the best ride-rate improvement this week this week compared to last week?

Data Privacy

Third-Party Processing (OpenAI)

"Ask Nola" is built using the Azure OpenAI (Sydney) service.

This means that your questions and portions of data from your dashboard are made available to these services, outside of what is provided for in our Data Security and Privacy Statement.

What data is made available to Azure OpenAI?

The following information is always sent to the OpenAI service:

  1. The user's question.
  2. The list of sector names and metric names in the venue.

Then, the OpenAI service will request data from Nola.

OpenAI is instructed to only ask for data which is relevant to the question.

For example, if the user asks for the current queue wait times for each bar, then OpenAI may request 3 metrics from Nola: (Metric: "Queue Wait Time", Period: "Now") x (Sector: "Bar 1", "Bar 2" and "Bar 3").

If the requested metrics are available, they are provided to OpenAI, at which point an answer is generated.

Azure has published an Data, privacy, and security for Azure OpenAI Service document avaialble for review.

Data agreement required

For "Ask Nola" to be enabled for your organisation, you will be asked to sign an additional agreement with Nola to allow us to share your data with Azure OpenAI.

This is optional - there is no requirement to use "Ask Nola".

Third-Party Processing (voice input on Android & iOS)

If using the (optional) mobile voice-activation feature for "Ask Nola", your mobile device will use the Android & iOS Speech frameworks to convert between voice and text.

Both questions and answers may be sent to Google or Apple for processing, depending on the mobile device and its operating system.

First-Party (Nola) Processing

Nola does not, by default, store the questions you ask or the answers provided by "Ask Nola".

There is a feedback mechanism available in "Ask Nola" to users to flag an answer as "bad". If an answer is flagged by a user, then the question, data, and answer will be stored for human review by Nola staff.

Asking Good Questions

As with other AI chat-style services, there is a knack to asking good questions and receiving good answers.

  1. Ask questions which relate to the "Sectors" and "Metrics" in your venue.

    You can find these in your dashboard by looking in "Custom Reports". If you are tracking metrics like Occupancy and Attraction Visits, ask questions in these terms.

  2. If you don't get the answer you want, be more directive.

    If a question like this does not elicit the response you are seeking:

    User: What was my best performing shelf this week?

    Restating it in more explicit terms can make a big difference:

    1. Be more specific about the metric (visits)
    2. Be more specific about time range
    3. Give a direct instruction (check visits to each shelf)

    Resulting in:

    User: Check the visits to each of my shelves for the 13th-20th and show me the one that got the most visits.

  3. Sometimes, try again later.

    The performance of the Azure OpenAI service can vary during the day. Sometimes, waiting for a less busy time can result in higher quality answers.