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Key Features

Nola is a video analytics platform that enables large venues to utilise their existing CCTV infrastructure to gain actionable insights on crowd flow and visitor experience.

Key Analytical Features

While every Customer may apply Nola services in their own unique way, some of the most commonly used analytical features of Nola platform include:

  • Visitor Count, Ingress and Egress flows;
  • Visitor Arrival Time trends;
  • Passer-By Count and Draw-In Rate;
  • Occupancy Measurement;
  • Crowd Density Estimation;
  • Queues and Expected Wait Times;
  • Product Engagement, Conversion Rate and Dwell Time;
  • Bottleneck Detection;
  • Under-staffing / Over-staffing and Loss Estimation;
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Measurement;
  • Heatmaps and Traffic Maps;
  • Customer Journey Mapping.

Nola enhances Customer's analytical capabilities further by bringing in data from additional sources, such as:

  • Weather Observations;
  • Public Transport Schedule and Arrivals/Departures in real-time;
  • Point of Sale transactions.

Functionality and Data

Access to Nola's analytical data and functionality is enabled via the following channels:

Nola Online

Nola Online can be accessed at


Dashboards provide a comprehensive, high-level view of key metrics. Data is visualised on a dashboard as charts, gauges, traffic and heatmaps. Real time dashboards show data as it happens, historical dashboards allow selecting any period in the past. Dashboards are built from pre-defined configurable widgets and are easy to assemble.

Custom Reports

Reports can be pre-defined/saved or ad-hoc. They deliver metric trends for any selected period. The data can be viewed in charts and downloaded as csv files.

Periodic Reports

Periodic Reports are pre-configured to deliver daily/weekly/monthly data via email on a set schedule.


Notifications are configured for specific actions, they are triggered when some pre-defined criteria is met. Number of current notifications is automatically updated; user can see the current notifications in the Active Notification dashboard.

Nola Mobile

Nola Mobile App is available for iPhone and Android devices and allows access to your venue data on the go, anywhere and anytime. It delivers the same functionality as Nola Online plus:

Home screen

Home screen shows the most important key points in real time.


User can subscribe for push notifications to receive real-time notifications and alerts, enabling immediate response to critical events, improved situational awareness and timely intervention.

Application Programming Interface

Nola REST API is for those who want to use raw data in analytics tools of their choice, they can access Nola metric data from within their system.

Key Features of Nola Platform

Anonymous by design

Nola works by processing video footage from cameras installed on customer premises and generates anonymized numerical statistics as output. Nola does not use facial recognition or individual identification technology of any kind. Nola does not produce or store any information about individuals. Nola minimises the exposure of any information:

  • On-premises deployments, video footage never leaves the customer premises/network.
  • For cloud deployments, individual video frames are processed and immediately destroyed.

Various deployment options

Nola supports a number of different deployment scenarios suited to different environments. You should discuss your options with Nola representative as each of them has advantages and limitations.

Nola Edge

Video data is forwarded to and processed in Nola's infrastructure (without being stored). Generated analytical data is stored in Nola’s cloud, more details.

Nola On-Premises

Camera feeds are processed on your premises, no video data leaves your network. Generated analytical data is stored in Nola’s cloud, more details.

Nola Enterprise

Camera feeds processing, data storage and access to data are all on your network (behind your firewall), more details.

Enterprise grade security

Nola implements extensive security configurations that align with the strict, up-to-date data and security policies. Read our Data Security and Privacy Statement.