📄️ Summary
At this time, only a subset of the available end points is documented for public use. Please contact us if you would like to use a feature that is not documented.
📄️ EP. Get List of Categories
Fetch list of metric categories configured for your company.
📄️ EP. Get List of Venue Sectors
Fetch hierarchy of sectors configured for company location (venue).
📄️ EP. Get List of Venue Services
Fetch list of processing services configured for company location (venue).
📄️ EP. Get List of Metrics by Category
Fetch definition list of metrics that are assigned a specific category.
📄️ EP. Get Metric Latest Value
Fetch the latest value of a specific metric.
📄️ EP. Get Category Metric Latest Values
Fetch the latest values of all metrics that are assigned a specific category.
📄️ EP. Get Category Metrics Historical Values
Fetch the historical values of all metrics that are assigned a specific category.
📄️ EP. Get Category Metrics Historical Values - CSV
Fetch the historical values of all metrics that are assigned a specific category, in CSV format.
📄️ EP. Get Service Data - CSV
Fetch the raw data collected by service at a specified date, in CSV format.